Sunday, March 5, 2017

Guess my worry wasn't too unfounded after all, but I'm not about to dwell on that. Instead, I'm going to use this incident to reinforce my beliefs.

1) In life, you don't always get what you want. That's just how life works.

2) The only thing constant and within control in your life is yourself. Everything else is subjected to change that we cannot control.

3) Always trust your instinct. Humans (instincts) have been around far longer than civilization(thinking) has, our gut instincts are far more developed than our thinking.

We can either whine and cry over a setback, or use it as a learning point to make ourselves stronger. I'm not going to whine and cry over it. All is fair in love and war.

On the positive side, this is good news for me because I'll now have a lot more time to study for my (concurrent) exams!

P.S. I'll probably be creating a new blog. So much has changed since the inception of this blog, and as I always tell others, it is sometimes better to recreate things anew rather than to improve from previous versions.

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