First of all, if you are caught up with your daily activity, I urge that you bookmark this and read it again when you have time to yourself. Read this in the silent recesses of your humble abode.
Second, I urge that you get in touch with your feelings, for that is how we really grow as a person. I have too many friends who constantly suppress their emotions and, in their everyday life, lose track of where they are really heading. Don't be the one who wakes up ten years later to find that you are not where you are supposed to be.
Recently, I had many conversations with my friends about dreams. Some are blinded by it, some are waiting for the 'golden opportunity', while some chose to give it up.
But before we even begin talking about pursuing our dreams, let us define what constitutes a dream. Some of us dream to be a social worker, some of us dream to earn a lot of money, some of us dream to be a doctor, some of us dream to be a researcher, some of us dream to end poverty.
What is your dream?
That is actually a redundant question that doesn't matter. So here is the real question.
What is the motivation for your dream?
"There is too much suffering in the world, I want to do my part to make it disappear."
"I want to earn a lot of money so that I can repay my parents for their blood and sweat just so that I could enjoy my childhood a little more."
"I want to find a cure to malaria so nobody will have to die from it ever again."
"I want all the children in the world to grow up with the same happy childhood as I had, without having to worry about going hungry."
In our society, the word "dream" has a commonly, yet mistakenly, implied connotation of an end state. However, dreams are actually processes from which we can derive our lives' purpose from.
And this is what I have for each of you.
Do not study mechanical engineering because you will graduate with a good degree and enter the workforce and earn some money to start a family, have kids and retire. Instead, study because you want to, one day, design something based on your undergraduate knowledge that can ease the difficulty of physically disabled patients to maneuver around.
Do not read your finance major because there is where people says that is the shortcut of getting rich. Read it because you want to earn a lot of money so that you can start a education fund for special needs children.
Don't do something because it is a mean to an end state. Instead, do it because it is a way of helping you to do what you always wanted to do.
If you dream to be a _______(noun), then I strongly urge that you start dreaming bigger.
We have all dreamed a great and noble dream. Don't let the harsh realities of the world take it away from you.
"We are not survived by what we have, but by what we have done."
N.B. The chase of our dreams is not easy. It will never be. In difficult times, there are two kind of people. Which are you?
1) Type I
2) Type II
I have a dream, that one day I will make a lot of money so that my parents would never have to worry about it anymore, as they have for way too long. I want to spend more time with them in the same way that they invested theirs on me in my growing years, in hope of nurturing a young child that does not fall prey to the harsh society. I want to accompany them to experience the many things that they sacrificed in their younger years, in hope that my life will be a bit better, a bit happier.
P.S. This is a good article to read if your dream is strongly money-related.
P.P.S. Take some time to think through your dreams. After formulating one that you are at peace with, tell someone about it. Anyone.
P.P.P.S. I really hope that you enjoyed reading this piece as much as I enjoyed composing it. I am an amateur writer that appreciate constructive feedback. After all, we are always learning; I am, even as I composed this.
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