Monday, September 29, 2014


"We only see the candlelight when it is dark."

Most of the time, we are stuck in our daily lives and the people around us that we lose sight of who the candlelights really are.

Take a second to think,

1) If you were to get into a car accident now, who'd you turn to?

2) If you were to fall so sick that you do not have enough energy to grab a meal, who'd you turn to?

3) If you were screwed over by your colleagues/boss feel so infuriated that you need someone to talk to, who'd you turn to?

4) If you were to fall out of love, who'd you turn to?

Don't just see who is there for you when you're fit and fighting, but observe who will be there for you when you are down and out, for they are your candlelights. Appreciate them.

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